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My group combines molecular ecology with aspects of earth sciences to understand the processes that shape global patterns of biodiversity. We use a wide range of techniques to address research questions, including genetics (e.g., metabarcoding and phylogenomic analyses) and ecology, and have a particular focus on the high-latitude ecosystems of the Southern Hemisphere (the sub-Antarctic and Antarctica). Ceridwen (Crid) Fraser.

Prof Ceridwen Fraser

CONTACT:, Ph:  +64-3-4798306


Address: Department of Marine Science, University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin 9054, NEW ZEALAND

Key themes:
Molecular ecology, evolution, phylogenetics, biogeography, dispersal, disturbance, climate-driven range-shifts, postglacial recolonisation, refugia, marine, the Antarctic, the sub-Antarctic, Australia, New Zealand, Chile
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